Opening up an Online Shop...

Nervously Excited: Opening Up My Online Shop

I have sold items, I have done commissions, I have received amazing reviews, I have won several awards, I have even been in the paper! and yet, right now as I am sat here about to tell you a little part of my story a whirlwind of emotions runs through me - nervousness, excitement, anticipation, and a huge touch of fear with a side dish of good old imposter syndrome kicking in.  
As I write this blog post, I find myself taking a huge breath inwards, why am I so nervous?
Probably because I am about to embark on a new journey, one that I have been dreaming about for a long time but never ever had the courage to pursue until now, until I met the person behind Versla Marketplace...
I am opening up my own online shop!
This is a story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down, I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how I became the boss of... Rainbow Dandelion Crochet, Ok that didn't rhyme but you were singing and smiling weren't you!?

Ha ha Mission accomplished!
Just over a year ago I popped a few crochet bits onto Etsy and to my surprise they sold, I was in shock! I got some lovely reviews, I was really excited, so I kept making.
Then my daughter encouraged me to go on TikTok (oh my days I am too old for this, what on earth is that about!), but I gave it a go, and I sold some crochet items on there too. Ooooh, that's two places I have sold things now, hmmm maybe my stuff is actually ok.
As I was scrolling TikTok I began to get more confident and started following people, I met some wonderful people on a side of TikTok I never even knew existed and has been partly responsible for this huge change in my life.
I started an Indiegogo campaign to raise funds to have the journal and pattern professionally published but I was struggling with advertising myself (cheers imposter syndrome). There was a group of people who encouraged me to make a video of my story and why I was fundraising, it's six minutes long so grab a cuppa! But this was such a massive boost for me, I hit 7000 views very quickly and my campaign was fully funded on the 1st January 2024. This is a day I will never forget!
During the campaign I was dotting about on Twitter searching for inspirational people to follow and gain insight and knowledge from, I happened upon MHHSBD (My Helpful Hints Small Business Directory). What an absolute gem of a group, the support is indescribable, not only for your business but also your personal life, I have opened up to these people in a way only my best friends see. If you are looking for a group to join please consider joining them. 
I digress slightly!
So, the people on TikTok were constantly encouraging me to move away from Etsy due to their huge fees, I thought about it but then put it to the back of my brain, I was chatting on the MHHSBD group about Etsy fees and Versla was mentioned, honestly I had never heard of it so dismissed it, I shouldn't have done, I should have dived straight into the chats of the manager and started my little shop there and then because since becoming a part of Versla I have felt nothing but supported, encouraged and cared for.
The chap behind Versla is amazing, he can't do enough to help you. He helped me to set up my store on his site, he answers every question without judgement and never makes you feel stupid, even though I am sure that he is sat face palming himself every time my name pops up on his twitter messaging screen!
After a couple of months having an online presence on Versla, we were chatting about an online shop of my own - "nope, can't do it" I said. OK, he said, "maybe later", this continued back and forth, I was too scared, but his gentle encouragement and belief in my business ethos helped me to see what other people see in me.
One afternoon out of the blue I started to believe in myself, this is how it went...
And there it is, my very own shop. For me, Mine!
Having my own business, being my own boss, being responsible for everything that goes wrong, and right, is both thrilling and daunting. The thought of sharing my creations with the world and hopefully making a living from it fills me with excitement, but at the same time, the fear of failure is at the front of my mind. 
I know that the road ahead will not be easy. Building a brand from scratch, attracting customers, and competing in a crowded online marketplace will require hard work, dedication, and resilience. But I am ready to face the challenges head-on because I believe in the potential of my shop and the value of what I have to offer.
I no longer work in mental health, but I will never give up helping people, my mindfulness kits are aimed at anyone who is looking for a hobby, but also for people who are looking for a way to cope with the stresses of life.
So, as I take this leap of faith into the world of online entrepreneurship, I choose to embrace my nerves and channel them into positive energy. I choose to let my excitement drive me forward and motivate me to give my best every step of the way. And most importantly, I choose to believe in myself, so to my imposter syndrome I say "not today!".
To those who are also considering opening up their own online shop but are feeling nervous and excited like me, I say this - trust in your abilities, follow your passion, and don't let fear hold you back.
The journey may be challenging, but the rewards of pursuing your dreams and turning your passion into a business are immeasurable.
So here's to new beginnings, to taking risks, and to embracing the unknown. Here's to being nervously excited and ready to conquer whatever comes my way. 
I hope you enjoyed this blog post! If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. P.S Join MHHSBD and Versla!

Rainbow Dandelion Crochet © 2024
All rights reserved. E&OE